The Authority Committee of the Assembly is enjoined under Section 21 of the Local Governance Act 2016; Act 936 to exercise executive functions and coordinate functions of the District Assembly. It is line with this that I wish to present the recommendations of the Authority Committee to the August House for discussion and ratification.

Hon. Presiding Member,

Recovering assets of the Assembly and resolving Sewer issues with the Tema West Municipal Assembly is of utmost importance to ensure that the resources and assets belonging to the Assembly are utilized effectively and ethically. In view of this, Authority recommends that Management of the Assembly should initiate mechanism to ensure all assets and properties of the Assembly are recovered and protected accordingly.

Hon. Presiding Member,

You will agree with me that revenue mobilization is crucial for the Assembly as it provides the necessary financial resources to support public services, development initiatives and also ensure the Assembly meets its financial obligations within the metropolis. In line with this, Authority recommends that efforts should be made to retrieve all outstanding property rate due TMA from GRA.

On the Justice and Security of the metropolis, Hon. Presiding Member, you may agree with me that it is the mandate of the Assembly to implement activities, programmes and services for the comfort of its populace and also ensure that strategic policies are adopted to enhance the general security within the Metropolis and also ensuring that businesses and individuals carry out their daily activities within the safest environment to culminate into the wholistic development of the entire Metropolis.

In light of this, Authority further recommends that MESEC should as a sense of urgency liaise with the police in regulating the use of motorbikes by robbery gangs in the metropolis and also ensure police visibility is increased in the metropolis to help curb the impeding menace.

Hon. Presiding Member,

The ever-growing congestion at the ‘Kosoa Dwaso’ and the Community one market is sky-rocketing and needs urgent redress. Authority therefore recommends that, the Assembly should fence wire demarcated areas of the markets to prevent traders from plying their businesses closer to the roads.

Hon. Presiding Member,

We wish to indicate our readiness to enhancing educational development and infrastructure in the metropolis. In view of this, we will further intensify our commitment to ensure 100% improvement in infrastructure development to compliment the gains made over the years.

Authority therefore wishes to recommend as follows:

  1. That the Assembly should initiate strategies to ensure that training activities on the Manhean Anglican School Park does not deteriorate the school roofing.
  2. That management should ensure individuals encroaching on the land earmarked for the construction of the GES office were evicted from the site to enable the land used for its intended purpose.

Hon. Presiding Member,

The Assembly recognizes the relevance of infrastructural development and its impact to the development of the metropolis. It is important to note that, our efforts towards creating the right environment for developers cannot be over emphasized, hence the Authority wishes to recommend that, management should officially write to the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) requesting the status of the Reginal Minister’s pledge in respect of the regularization of the Ramsar site.

Hon. Presiding Member,

The Assembly made significant gains in institutionalizing upon social and security protection systems at all levels of governance. The Authority is recommending that going forward, school walls should be re-engineered to serve as watchdogs against rampant theft in schools within the metropolis.

Hon. Presiding Member,

We congratulate the Assembly for the tremendous works done in the re-shaping of some roads and pavements in the metropolis. In other to compliment these gains, the Authority wish to recommend to this august House that, management should liaise with GPHA and the Tema Traditional Council to develop good plans towards the operation of the canon basin at Tema Newtown. Also, management should engage the GPHA to discuss pragmatic steps to address waste and sewer issues at the port.

Hon. Presiding Member,

The Authority subscribe to a compassionate philosophy that seeks to create stakeholder engagement for all our development projects to their fullest potentials as well as the judicious use of public funds for same.

In light of this, the Authority recommends that management should ensure the Kwame Nkrumah Recreational Park is redeveloped to be used for marriage and other functional programs to help generate revenue to enhance the Assembly’s revenue mobilization drive. Again, the Committee recommends the revised 2024 Composite Annual Action Plan for discussion and approval.

Hon. Presiding Member,

You will agree with fact that Agriculture plays a very crucial role in the economy, food security, and overall well-being of a metropolis. The Authority therefore recommends that the Assembly should task management to ensure the best practices were observed by butchers to siege carcasses.

The Assembly would also continue to ensuring economic stability, food security, poverty reduction, environmental sustainability, local development as well as national and global trade benefits.

Hon. Presiding Member,

The effective and efficient development of the sub-metros remains a focus area of the Assembly programmes, plans and policies. In view of this the Authority recommends as follows:

  1. That a new contract should be given to the toilet operators at Tema East and those not paying their franchise should have their toilets taken from them.
  2. That the Assembly should purchase enough sanitation tools, so that the Tema East Sub-Metro can adequately organize clean-up exercises to enable Hon. Members and other community groups lend them whenever they are organizing clean-up activities.
  • That zebra crossings be provided across the major roads in Manhean to help school children and community members when crossing the road.
  1. That conscious effort should be made to renovate now idle Youth Centre to pave way for the relocation of the Tema Central Sub-Metro as a matter of urgency to help address the office accommodation issue and also curtail the huge cost of rent paid for the current office.
  2. That the Assembly should ensure the procurement of a new vehicle to enhance revenue mobilization amidst the frequent breakdown of the allocated vehicle to the Tema East Sub-Metro.

Hon. Presiding Member,

The importance of health cannot be overstated; it extends beyond personal well-being into various aspects of society including economic stability, social harmony, and public welfare.

In light of the above, the Authority recommends the Constitution of a substantive Health Sub-Committee to play a crucial role within the Assembly as it would focus on addressing health-related issues and promoting the well-being of the community. The Sub-Committee is also expected to address critical aspects of public health while working towards ensuring better healthcare access and overall well-being for all members of the community.

Hon. Presiding Member, Hon. Assembly Members, Head of Departments and Units, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Assembly will continue to be driven by our commitment to credible and sustainable peace, security and development as necessary prerequisite for the effective development of the metropolis. I therefore submit the recommendations of Authority to this august House for consideration and ratification.